May 29th, 2018 | 10:47 am
The organic PolderGoud baking potatoes from potato producer Schaap Holland are still in their skin, but now also in new packaging design! The developed sleeves have been given a natural feeling by the use of kraft cardboard, which means that the organic of the product is also further loaded by the packaging. A handwritten white and yellow typography on a black panel with chalkboard look gives an authentic look to the sleeves, which also shows a tasteful visual of a preparation tip on top.
De biologische PolderGoud bakaardappelen van aardappelproducent Schaap Holland zitten nog lekker in de schil, maar nu ook in een nieuwe verpakking! De ontwikkelde sleeves hebben een natuurlijk gevoel meegekregen door het gebruik van kraft karton, waardoor het biologische van het product ook door de verpakking nog extra wordt geladen. Een handgeschreven wit en gele typografie op een zwart panel met krijtbordlook geeft een authentieke uitstraling mee aan de sleeves, waarop ook nog een smaakvolle visual van een bereidingstip op de bovenzijde staat afgebeeld.
TAGS: Dutch, Netherlands, packaging design, Poldergoud, potato, potatoe, Schaap Holland, Stepfive
POSTED IN food | no comments »
January 24th, 2014 | 03:18 pm
The look of several different products from Potato King, an already existing Aldi brand, is completely renewed by Stepfive for Aldi Netherlands. This new serie of potato products has a colorful packaging design range with a tasty visual on the front of each foil and the product names in a distinctive font. ‘Koelverse’ potatoes are easy to prepare right out of the package.
TAGS: Aldi, brand identity, Dutch, foil, packaging design, potato, Potato King, Stepfive
POSTED IN food | no comments »
October 11th, 2013 | 03:45 pm
The look of several different products from Potato King, an already existing Aldi brand, is completely renewed by Stepfive for Aldi Netherlands. Above you can see some of the potato breeds that are now packed in a foil with jute suggestion on it and a tasteful product visual. Every single breed has its own colour signing to finish this authentic packaging design with a natural feel.
TAGS: Aldi, brand identity, Dutch, food, natural, Netherlands, packaging design, potato, Potato King, rebranding, Stepfive
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