FFC (Franchise Friendly Concepts) is the largest independent Dutch food franchise organization with several success formulas. One of them: Smulwereld. The new logo created for their rebranding is modern with a healthy look and symbolizes the propositions. Along with this rebranding a complete range of disposables was designed. This rebranding was implemented in all 100 Smulwereld companies in The Netherlands, together with signings and interior adjustments.
February 16th, 2011 | 12:07 pm
February 02nd, 2011 | 05:31 pm
The new ice cream ‘Friz’ is developed for FFC (Franchise Friendly Concepts), the largest independent Dutch food franchise organization with several success formulas. The complete brand identity and packaging design is based on the fresh and round Friz logo, attractive to young and old. This organic ice cream with a fresh and funky look comes in five flavours and was successfully introduced within all the FFC formulas.