For Best Life animal food, a Dutch company, Stepfive created packaging design for a complete range of high quality dog and cat food. Small doy packs for small weights, big bags for the heavy weights and everything in between with a clear colour signing and paw prints. This packaging design is developed in collaboration with ‘De Dierenbescherming’, the Dutch authority on animal welfare and therefor meets all the requirements Dutch animal welfare demands.
Voor Best Life dierenvoeders heeft Stepfive het packaging design ontwikkeld voor een volledige range hoge kwaliteit honden- en kattenvoer. Kleine doypacks, grote zakken en alles daar tussenin met een heldere kleurcodering en pootafdrukken. Deze verpakkingslijn is opgezet in nauwe samenwerking met De Dierenbescherming en voldoet daarom aan alle eisen die er aan dierenwelzijn en de daar bijbehorende verpakkingen gesteld worden.
March 04th, 2016 | 03:15 pm
August 23rd, 2012 | 12:19 pm
Many food labels are confusing (and some downright misleading) especially with regard to animal welfare claims. To help navigate the confusion, the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) has released A Consumer’s Guide to Food Labels and Animal Welfare.
This new guide aims to help consumers who purchase meat, dairy and eggs interpret the meaning of label claims and locate products from animals who were humanely raised and handled.
More on ‘A Consumer’s Guide to Food Labels and Animal Welfare’ here.